Thursday, October 23, 2008

Big Announcement

So I have been waiting to post this, until the right time. So here it is..... I'm PREGNANT!!!!! We will have a lil bundle of joy arriving around June 1st. So far I have been pretty lucky and not having much morning sickness. I go to the dr in a couple of weeks and hopefully will be able to hear the baby's heart beat. We are SO excited. I want to have a boy and Caleb wants to have both, however he would like this baby to be a girl.

I will keep you posted as the months go by.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tag your it

I was tagged by Stacy at A Rosy Outlook for this fun... and well if you are tagged then of course you have to play along.

The rules:
- Link to the person who tagged you
- Mention the rules
- Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular or random details about yourself
- Tag six other bloggers by linking to them
- Go to each person's blog and leave a comment that lets them know they've been tagged

Fun facts about me:
- I am new to blogging and am still searching for friends.
- I just got married in September.
- I am ready to start thinking about christmas shopping now.
- I have put my husband in time out next weekend so that he and I can have some alone time. I love having his buddies over, but sometimes I just get overstimulated and need a break from it all.
- I went to SUNY Fredonia and I am a Sigma Kappa.
- There is a big announcement coming, so stay tuned.

Tagging the following:
- Ashley at Ash is Fit because I'm totally hooked on watching her progress...
- Ashley, again, at A Year in the Kitchen who has the best recipes.
- Stacy & Laura a Perpetual Single Girl who you girls crack me up...
- My CF Pregnancy Journey because she gives me hope that someday my brother will have children.
- Livin & Lovin in North Carolina for getting me started in the blogging world. She always has great wisdom to share.
- And the folks at A Frugal Housewife, who always have great tips for saving.

Monday, October 13, 2008

For the love of Fall...

It is a beautiful sunny, 75 degree day in Northwest PA and I am loving it. Fall is my favorite season. The leaves are really starting to change, the nights are cool, pumpkins & mums are plentiful, and its football season. Yesterday, we rounded up the gang and went for a 4 wheeling ride. It was perfect, the woods were colorful, the sun was shining and the wildlife was abundant. Also, Caleb and his buddies worked on measuring, cutting and power washing the boards for the "man cave". Caleb's very own den for the guys to gather and watch football games and those stupid scary/suspense movies that I don't like. lol He is recovering the walls w/ barn wood planks to give it a very rustic look. They only got one wall covered this weekend.

I am hoping to go home and sit outside a bit and read. Then take Remi for a walk at Roche park after supper. Hope everyone is having this nice beautiful weather. ENJOY!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Some wedding pics

I won't have the photographers proofs for a few more weeks. I decided to put on some of the snapshots that were taken by friends. Hopefully I will get some honeymoon pics on soon.


We are now safely back to everyday life as a married couple. Just as we are happily starting to nest with our new gifts, we were hit with the news of Caleb's uncle Terry being killed in a tractor accident on Sunday. So tonight we will attend the calling hours and tomorrow the funeral of his uncle. Caleb is in shock, but finding some comfort in the fact that we had a family picnic at our house this summer that gave us time to spend with Terry and of course our wedding. His dad's family is not very big and has had its share of tragedy. Now it is even smaller. Terry was a very outgoing, friendly, helpful and just all around good man. I thank god for the opportunity to have him in my life, even if it was only for a short time. So I will go and try to be strong for me, Caleb and the rest of the family.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

We're Married!!!

We did it. It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon in Northwest PA. Our honeymoon was great, but short. Now it is back to reality.