Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tag your it

I was tagged by Stacy at A Rosy Outlook for this fun... and well if you are tagged then of course you have to play along.

The rules:
- Link to the person who tagged you
- Mention the rules
- Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular or random details about yourself
- Tag six other bloggers by linking to them
- Go to each person's blog and leave a comment that lets them know they've been tagged

Fun facts about me:
- I am new to blogging and am still searching for friends.
- I just got married in September.
- I am ready to start thinking about christmas shopping now.
- I have put my husband in time out next weekend so that he and I can have some alone time. I love having his buddies over, but sometimes I just get overstimulated and need a break from it all.
- I went to SUNY Fredonia and I am a Sigma Kappa.
- There is a big announcement coming, so stay tuned.

Tagging the following:
- Ashley at Ash is Fit because I'm totally hooked on watching her progress...
- Ashley, again, at A Year in the Kitchen who has the best recipes.
- Stacy & Laura a Perpetual Single Girl who you girls crack me up...
- My CF Pregnancy Journey because she gives me hope that someday my brother will have children.
- Livin & Lovin in North Carolina for getting me started in the blogging world. She always has great wisdom to share.
- And the folks at A Frugal Housewife, who always have great tips for saving.